To each his own solution

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque tortor nulla, rutrum eu nunc a, accumsan iaculis odio. Phasellus facilisis, nibh eu lobortis porttitor, orci ligula vulputate turpis, vitae vulputate lectus elit at ligula. 



    Geho PMS integration with Ariane

    GehoGeho applications were developed based on a single database. This database may be a specific choice by the end customer, according to its own needs and operational requirements.

    GeHo software packages have been designed to meet the needs of the following establishments:

    • Hotels
    • Restaurants
    • Bars & Resorts
    • Casinos
    • Accommodation centers
    • Training centers
    • Room rentals Caterers...

    They are available by modules, by packages, but can also be the subject of personalized developments.

    Visit Geho's website to learn more.