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Chloë PMS integration with Ariane

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Chloë is a simple, comprehensive hotel management software package. Chloë successfully combines day-to-day management (reservations, invoicing, collection register), administration (reservation confirmation, reminders), and connectivity (accounting software, online sales, E-reputation, yield management, card or pin code locks, late arrival terminal, home automation, etc.).

It is a software package that's as well-suited to stand-alone hotels as it is to hoteliers committed to welcoming their guests into their homes!

Choosing CHLOË means being free! Free to work with the partners you want, on the media you wish to, locally or with remote access.

  • A service 100% made in France (the design, development, training, and support teams are all in France)
  • A toll-free support number
  • A team that's as attentive as it is responsive for a software that can evolve over time
  • Simple, flexible, and efficient software
  • High connectivity for greater efficiency

Visit Chloë website to learn more.